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I'm grateful to pioneers  in human development whose work served as the foundation for my own, including Carl Rogers who explored self-trust, Carl Jung who explored transpersonal connection, and Bert Hellinger who explored 

the hidden dynamics in human systems that entangle or free us. 

Hostetler Consulting

Principal of Hostetler Consulting, I facilitate systemic change for organizations, leaders and individuals. I led training and organizational development teams in academia and healthcare at The American University and the University of Maryland Medical Center and consult to organizations in the not-for-profit and for-profit sectors. 


Organization development 

I love helping leaders create healthy, vital organizations. Here are a few bodies of work that have informed me. 

Developed training for leaders at every level, and facilitated executive team meetings and retreats in two industries.


Facilitated 18-month strategic planning process for the Office of the President, University of Maryland Baltimore.

Facilitated large-scale culture change at a major healthcare system resulting in 5-7% annual improvement in scores over five years while profits improved significantly.


Served as President of the Chesapeake Bay Organizational Development Network.

Accelerated individual growth

I'm passionate about the constellation method. A sea change in change methodologies, it helps leaders clear the inner space for a new reality. 


Facilitating countless groups and one-to-one constellations over the past 15 years, I've helped people clear blocks in relationships, teams, career direction, productivity, finances, as well as health, love and other personal issues. 


I'm a founding member of the Constellations Group in Washington DC,  and I co-led the North American Systemic Constellation Conference in 2017.


Ph.D., Counseling and Development, American University, on leader effectiveness, with Honors, including study with the National Training Laboratories for the Behavioral Sciences through the AU/NTL program in organizational development. 


M.Ed. in Guidance and Counseling from the College of William and Mary. 


Extensive training with world leaders in systemic constellation work, beginning 2001, including advanced training in the United States and Europe.


Clients include National Institute of Health, President’s Office of the University of Maryland Baltimore, UMD Health Sciences Professional Schools, National Institute of Mental Health, National Science Foundation, U.S. Departments of Education, Justice, Agriculture, Health and Human Services, as well as American University, Advanced Medical Technologies and Golden Key Consulting Group.

Betsy Hostetler, Ph.D.

Hostetler Consulting

Washington D.C.

410 925-9211

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